Friday, June 3, 2011

Letter to Azure

Dear Azure,

What an adventure you are. 
You keep me on my toes. You keep me guessing your next move. You keep running faster and faster to prevent me from catching you. 
You are growing too big.

Whenever I try to pick you up I forget how heavy you are. And that you barely fit in my lap. You have grown so much. I know that in no time you will pass me up.
How beautiful you are. Your eyes, your hair, you sweet smile. 
Your cute little poses when you dance. Your "up to no good" grins.
Your knock knock jokes.
Knock knock. Who's there? Justin.
Justin who? Justin Bieber.

You made that one up all on your own.

How smart you are. Reading words. Writing words. Dressing yourself. Brushing your own hair and teeth.
It makes me want to cry.
My baby is not a baby anymore.

You are ready for school. You ask every day if today is the day that you will get to go to school. You want to learn and play with your friends. You want to pack a lunch and wear a backpack. You want to start soccer and dance lessons. You want to have a life that separate from home and me.
And you know what? That's okay.

We have had some fun times together, you and me. We've had many adventures, going to play dates, the beach, the circus, ice skating, picnics, museums. We've cooked and baked and scrap booked. We've tickled, we've laughed, we've cried, we've yelled and argued and disagreed.
And now we are ready for more. 
Only this time, we get to do the big girl activities.

So while I cherish every moment I've had in the last five years, I also cherish what we will have in the next five years. Because it will be amazing. And fun. And the best years of my life, just because I know you will be in it.

You are beautiful. Don't ever think you aren't. You have what it takes inside. Make it count.
I know you will.
I love you.

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