Every year, in the month of November, I try to think of at least one thing I am thankful for every day. It gets harder toward the end and I have to get creative about my blessings. It also helps me to remember how much I truly have in this life, even if it's small. Sometimes the small things are really the greatest blessings.
1. I am thankful for the family I was born into, the family I married into, and the family I have created. They all bring me joy and happiness...most of the time.
2. I am thankful for a husband that works so hard so I can stay home with our kids.
3. I am thankful for the strong and loving supportive friends that take such good care of me. Friends like that are rare and I'm glad to have them.
4. I am thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the peace it gives me to know I will be with my family forever.
5. I am thankful for facebook because my friends make me feel so special and loved on my birthday.
6. I am thankful for blankets that keep me warm on cold nights.
7. I am thankful that I have a Granny that loves to babysit. I don't know what I'd do without her!
8. I am thankful my husband has a job so that we can pay our bills.
9. I am thankful for my mom that still takes such good care of me. My mom is the best!
10. I am thankful for men and women brave enough to defend my country so my family and I can live fearless lives and be free to choose without punishment.
11. I am thankful for a mostly health body. I could have so many more things wrong with me, but I am blessed that it's all minor stuff that won't affect my life.
12. I am thankful my dad got me into photography. It's so nice to see the world's beauty through different eyes.
13. I am thankful that I live in a country where I can freely worship God however I want to without consequence.
14. I am thankful that I have a car that can take me places. It would be hard to get around without one, especially with two little kids.
15. I am thankful for the little things that bring such great blessings.
16. I am thankful for the sunlight that warms the earth. I wouldn't know what to do if I lived some where without sun and warmth.
17. I am thankful for prayer. It's nice to know that someone cares about me and is listening.
18. I am thankful for rain. It means I don't have to water my lawn and I can spend the afternoon cuddled up with a book and blanket and take a little time out for me.
19. I am thankful for friends who take us to Disneyland for a day of fun.
20. I am thankful for a helpful four year old who decided to pour a bowl of cereal and milk for her and her sister so I could lay in bed a few more minutes.
21. I am thankful for laughter. It brings happiness and smiles, it lightens your load, and is truly the best medicine for any type of ailment.
22. I am thankful for the gift of hearing and sound. Because tonight I've enjoyed hearing two little girls laughing with their daddy and it's a wonderful sound.
23. I am thankful for the gift of sight. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to see my husbands loving eyes, my kids beautiful smiles, and a world full of fascinating colors and wonders.
24. I am thankful for the gift of touch. Without it, I wouldn't be able to feel hugs and kisses, soft blankets, warm fires, or the rain on my face.
25. I am thankful to live another day to be thankful.
Here are the latest pictures of the girls. Pictures of the whole family will come soon.